Composing An Impressive Essay For A School Newspaper

Students familiar with content presented in a school newspaper will have an idea of which topics to consider for their essay. There are a few things the writer can do prior to writing the paper that can make it easier to compose and increase likelihood of producing something fellow students will want to read. Think about what is currently going on in the news or recent events at school. Think about the tone or mood you want the essay to express. What ideas have been presented to you by the instructor or editor of the newspaper?

Brainstorm Ideas Based on Events

When developing a good essay idea consider current events or things going on students can relate to. As you think about these events make a list of ideas that come from it. For example, you could use the idea of a school dance and think about songs played. There are ideas you could consider related to why certain songs are played and what makes others most or least popular. Be creative with ideas and eliminate those with lack of interest.

What Other Essays Have Been Featured?

If the school newspaper has featured other essays what topics were they about? Would you be interested in producing content that follows up on a topic or something offering another perspective? Read other essay content featured to generate original ideas. Talk to the editor of the paper to get insight on how other essay content was produced. This can be a good time to present something new or different that adds value or opinion. Consider talking to readers of the newsletter about previous content featured and think about their feedback when generating new ideas.

What Subjects Do You Know Well?

Think about areas you know well enough to write about. This can present areas of interests and a good connection with readers. Consider subjects offering insight readers can relate to. Content you know well is easier to write about and it may not be so stressful. Think about how to make the content unique.

What Is Something You Think Students Should Know?

What is information you think would be of interests to readers? You could consider feedback received from previous newsletter issues about written content to get inspiration to develop to a topic. Once you find a good idea to write about think about what readers may not know about it.

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